
Academy of Therese Wenk

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(14 Bewertungen)

Webinar: Exit the zone of being a victim of circumstances

Exit the zone of being a victim of circumstances



Natalie Anja Esser


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This quantum healing webinar is for everybody who has become a victim of circumstances in one way or another.

If you are a offender or a victim doesn't matter to us. We are here to assist you to find forgiveness and inner peace no matter what your circumstances are, what you did or experienced. May this webinar bring you in contact with a new sense of freedom, free of guilt, shame, regret or self-hate.

We are two healers who work with the heart and soul connection, channeling and transmitting the vibration of pure love for every participant. We can't undo for you what has happened to you, but we can help to heal, leave the burden behind and move on.

Wir haben festgestellt, dass Ihre Uhrzeit von der voreingestellten Zeitzone (MEZ) abweicht.

Vielleicht ist Ihre Computer-Uhr anders eingestellt oder Sie befinden sich in einer anderen Zeitzone?

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