
Sabine Bends - Heil Sein


(5816 Bewertungen)

Webinar: Doing The Work of Byron Katie in English

Doing The Work of Byron Katie in English

In Körper & Seele > Angst- & Stressbewältigung

Dieses Webinar wurde 4 mal bewertet

Get relief from your stressful thoughts!

Our thoughts are universal. We're all thinking more or less the same thoughts and believing them.

There are many universal beliefs that stress us out, like:

I don't know what to do.
He / she should respect me.
Ich need more money.
He / She should call me.
I do not want to look stupid.
I don't have enough time.
I need a partner to be happy.
He / she is not interested in me
He / she has rejected me.
I have to work hard.
People should keep their promises.
I am too fat.
and the list goes on and on and on...

We will inquire these thoughts with Byron Katies wonderful questions and turnarounds.

You are welcome if you:
- already know The Work of Byron Katie or
- have had a glimpse of it at least or
- have read one of Katie's books.

In case you do not know The Work and this is your first time experience, be prepared to jump into something new! I do not explain a lot here, this is about doing The Work. It is practice.

What you get:
- a group session with the work
- the video of the session
- the presentation as pdf for download.

I, Sabine, am Coach for The Work of Byron Katie (vtw). This means I am officially certified by the German "Verband für The Work" (Association for The Work). I have been doing The Work since 2005. Welcome! :-)


Bildnachweis: © mit herzlichem Dank

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