
Akademie von/Academy of Damien Wynne


(2101 Bewertungen)

Webinar: LightGrids trifft Biomagnetismus / Special-Seminar: LightGrids meets Biomagnetism

LightGrids trifft Biomagnetismus / Special-Seminar: LightGrids meets Biomagnetism

In Körper & Seele > Meditation

  • Ort: Live Online-Seminar
  • Video-Preis: 19,00 € inkl. MwSt.
  • Video-Dauer: 4 Stunden und 34 Minuten
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Ist mein Computer geeignet?
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Dieses Webinar wurde 3 mal bewertet

Dieses Webinar ist eine Live-Schaltung in das Berliner Sonderseminar

Jeder von uns ist ein Ökosystem aus Mikroorganismen, welche manchmal aus dem Gleichgewicht kommen und dadurch unsere pH-Werte im Körper und unsere Gesundheit beeinflussen.

Nach den positiven Reaktionen auf den ganzheitlichen Ansatz, den Damien und Carlos entwickeln, werden wir in diesem Seminar weiterarbeiten mit Lichtgitterarbeit, Biomagnetismus und Bioenergetik, um herauszufinden, welche Muster die Mikroorganismen in unserem Körper aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen und wie wir unser Ökosystem und den pH-Wert unterstützen können, um wieder zurück in die Harmonie zu finden.

Insbesondere werden wir uns um die Verringerung der negativen Auswirkungen kümmern, die Pathogene wie Viren, Bakterien, Pilze und Parasiten in unserem Körper hervorrufen können. Wir werden die Lichtgitterarbeit benutzen, um mit unterbewussten Glaubenssystemen und Wunden zu arbeiten, in der Absicht, das natürliche Gleichgewicht in all unseren subtilen Körpern wiederherzustellen.

As we are an ecosystem made up of microorganisms that sometimes are out of balance and affect our pH-levels and health and after the positive reaction to the holistic approach that Damien and Carlos are developing, on this seminar/webinar we are going to work with Light Grids, Biomagnetism and Bioenergetic to find out what patterns are keeping microorganisms out of balance and we will support our ecosystem and pH. to come into harmony, specifically on reducing the negative impact that pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites produce on the body. We are gonna use the Light Grids to work with subconscious believe systems and wounds, with the intention to accede the natural balance in all our subtle bodies.

*** NOTE ***
At a live-recorded seminar, which is also broadcast as a webinar, many factors play a role that influence the technical quality:
On the one hand the Internet connection in the seminar room, from which we send.
In most cases this is very good, but if the internet connection is weak (for whatever reason), we have no influence on it.
Also the Internet connection at the recipient, meaning you as a webinar participant, also plays a role. We strongly recommend that you close all other programs on the computer during the webinar, esp. the ones which also use the Internet connection, e.g. Skype, Dropbox, Google Earth, Google Drive, automatic email programs and so on.

Also the mobile phone / smartphone often uses the same WiFi connection and should therefore be switched to flight mode (or switched off). Also other roommates should not use the same Internet connection.
In addition, it should be pointed out that the video recording is included in the price of the webinar. This can be viewed from the following day and is technically usually a little better than the live transmission.

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